YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

4th Grade-March 26-27

We started the weekend by taking care of business against an undermanned Reno team. We had a chance to get a lot of minutes for everybody and everybody did an awesome job!

In our second game we pulled out a win in a close game against Folsom Force. Folsom has really improved as a team and they do a great job game-planning for us and what we like to do. I thought the boys showed a lot of heart in refusing to be overtaken when our opponent made a couple of big runs! The boys showed a lot of composure and a lot of respect for the other team.
In the championship game against the Predatorswe played well against a good team and ended up loosing. This was a much better performance than our last meeting with the Predators. The game was much closer than the score would indicate.
I would like to thank Coach Bob Mack and all of the parents for giving me the chance to coach the team last week while Bob was unavailable. I hope it was as much fun for the players and parents as it was for me!

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