YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

8th Grade Blue-February 19-20

YBA Xtreme Blue vs. Del Oro Jr. Eagles  49- 42
Saturday 2/19/11 at 10:05 a.m. YBA squared off against and beat a solid Del Oro team.  YBA got off to a solid start in the 1st half with lots of poise and energy.  Turnovers plagued YBA in the second half but the team didn’t give up and fought hard as a collective team until the final buzzer sounded.  The bench continues to improve and provide quality minutes.  Keys for improvement from this game: finishing off games with early leads, ball security (better decision making and creating better passing lanes to reduce turnovers), coming to passes to prevent turnovers.
  • Defense player of the game:  Sean Lallen (and rebounding)
  • Offense player of the game: Ryan Rivas, Ish Oganesyan, Jacob Tarabetz
  • Best Hustle: the whole team
  • Best Attitude: the whole team
YBA Xtreme Blue vs. Folsom Force Red
Saturday 2/19/11 at 1:20 p.m. YBA squared off against and lost to a solid Folsom Force team. YBA came out flat lacking energy, Folsom got off to an early lead able to score in transition too easily.  YBA had too many turnovers and were not making good decisions on the offensive end and defensive intensity was not there early.  YBA picked up it’s intensity in the 4th quarter but in the end Folsom appeared a step quicker on this day.  Keys for improvement from this game: come out of the gates more intense, reduce turnovers, patience and better decision making on offense, rebound the ball on the defensive end. 
  • Defense player of the game:   Ish Oganesyan
  • Offense player of the game: Ish Oganesyan
  • Best Hustle: Jacob Tarabetz, Justin DiRuscio    
  • Best Attitude: team for fighting back

YBA Xtreme Blue vs. All Star Predators Gold
Sunday 2/20/11 at 9:00 a.m. YBA squared off against and lost to a solid Predators team. YBA came out more on task in this one able to handle the Predators press and showing good ball movement, decision making and execution on offense.  From 2 quarter on YBA was not able to handle the Predator’s defensive pressure and YBA seemed confused on offense and in bounds plays leading to turnovers and baskets for the Predators that allowed them to extend their lead and win the game.  Keys for improvement, improve ball security (reduce turnovers better passing decisions), offensive and ob play execution, spacing on press break, rebound the ball on the defensive end.
  • Defense player of the game: Jacob Tarabetz    
  • Offense player of the game:  Jacob Tarabetz,  Ryan Forest
  • Best Hustle:  Ish Oganesyan, Zach Diele     
  • Best Attitude:  Jacob Tarabetz  

8th Grade White-February 19-20

YBA Xtreme White 40 vs. Rocktown Ballers White 36
Saturday 2/19/11 at 10:05 a.m. YBA squared off against the Rocktown Ballers. YBA went down early and battled back to capture its first win of the season, CONGRATULATIONS.  Outstanding defense, rebounding at both ends of the floor and outstanding patience, unselfishness and ball movement on offense were the keys to this victory. Keys for improvement from this game: reduce turnovers, come to passes, rebound the ball on the defensive end. 
  • Defense player of the game:   Whole Team    
  • Offense player of the game: Whole Team    
  • Best Hustle:  Whole Team    
  • Best Attitude: Whole Team    

YBA Xtreme White 30 vs. Napa Boys and Girls Club 50
Sunday 2/19/11 at 4:35 p.m. YBA squared off against the Napa Boys and Girls Club.  YBA had great energy early and took an early 5 point lead.  Then our energy left our heads dropped and the effort and hustle declined for the remainder of the game. We stopped movement without the ball and attacking the basket for high percentage baskets reverting back to a steady diet of quick long range shots and not playing as a team (finding the open man) let this one get away.  Keys for improvement from this game: up our intensity, rebound on the defensive end, take higher percentage shots on offense. 
  • Defense player of the game:   Cody Abendschein, Josh O’neal
  • Offense player of the game: none
  • Best Hustle: Cody Abendschein,  Josh O’neal, Tyrell Minor     
  • Best Attitude: Josh O’neal, Cody Abendschein

YBA Xtreme White 16 vs. Rocktown Ballers White 34
Sunday 2/20/11 at 9:00 a.m. - It takes some resolve to play Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m.  The reality was 4 of the 5 starters were playing at less than 100%.  Energy not there for 28 minutes. Again, we stopped movement without the ball and attacking the basket for high percentage baskets reverting back to a steady diet of quick long range shots and not playing as a team (finding the open man) let this one get away.  Keys for improvement from this game: up our intensity, rebound on the defensive end, take higher percentage shots on offense.
  • Defense player of the game:   Tyrell Minor, Cody Abendschein, Josh O’Neal
  • Offense player of the game:    none
  • Best Hustle:  whole team
  • Best Attitude: Cody Abendschein, Gavin Tripplet

7th Grade Blue-February 19-20

Our skills are definately "there" as we have made great progress over these last seven weeks. Yet we are still struggling to put a game together from start to finish. While we had a lot of good spurts in all three games we were ultimately unable to be victorious due to our inconsistent play. Our potential is not the question, but rather our ability to execute throughout the entire game. I know we are capable...it's just a matter of time.
Offense - Adam
Defense - TJ
Teamwork - Jacob

7th Grade White-February 19-20

With this tournament closing out our first session we had high hopes and were ready to see our hard work pay off. Unfortunately we haven't figured out how to put together a complete game and do the "little things" necessary to win games. Despite an injury to one player and another battling the flu, a few of us stepped up and gave it their all. Jason played hard and rarely subbed out, Mitch played very well for his first tournament, and I saw a lot of hustle from some of the other players as well. We have a week off to refocus ourselves and when we come back hopefully we are ready to work even harder to get the results we want.
Impact player - Mitch
Offense - Jason & Chris
Defense - Jason & Garret

6th Grade Blue-February 19-20

First game we had a slow start. We had to dig ourselves out of a hole. We had a hard time scoring points,but the guys played hard.       

Game #2
We regrouped and came out strong. We played good dedense, good on the ball defense and good help defense. The new guy Josh had a great game.        

Game #3
We came out locked and loaded. This was a great win by over 20 points. This weekends offensive player goes to Jakob H and best hustle goes to Josh

6th Grade White-February 19-20

We had early morning games, with that said the guys got off to a slow start.  After they got warmed up they started playing hard and making things happen.  Matthew was on fire this weekend.  He played hard all weekend.  Roy and Erik Mack were rebounding like crazy.  This weekend the guys played hard and had a few tough losses and a great win.
Best Hustle goes to Matthew this weekend.

5th Blue-February 19-20

The guys kicked off another great weekend of play with a tournament Championship, winning all three games for the second straight weekend! 
This weekend, I'd like recognize Matt Schneider, for his leadership and positive attitude.  Without Adam, Jade, or Derek, our group of guys stepped up to the challenge of playing game two with only five players. Diego, Todd, Jackson, Arthur and Matt played more than three quarters before Jade and Derek showed up to finish off the game and lead us to the championship game, where we won! Great job this Winter Session on gradually getting better and learning so much, great job fellas!

4th Grade-February 19-20

What a great finish to the Winter Session.  Our boys played hard all weekend.  We employed a new zone offense and had a few chances to use it and the boys did great.  I’m really encouraged by the development of all the boys. 

In our first game we played the Folsom Force.  This team never gives up and we just couldn’t quite land the knockout blow.  Even though we ended up beating them by 11, they hung around all game.  Overall we played a good aggressive game.  We will need to tighten up our half court defense, but we’ll work on it in the Spring Session.

The final two games were against younger up and coming teams.  We obviously overmatched them with our size and we took advantage of it.  Our bigs did a great job of holding the ball high and not letting the smaller quicker players swipe at it.  I also thought our team did a great job of maintaining their composure.  I told them not to expect a foul as we were playing a younger team.  They did a nice job even though they didn’t get many calls.

Overall another great weekend and a championship to cap it off.  Going forward I will request that we are put in a stronger division if available or play up in the older bracket.  I’d like to really challenge the boys going forward.  Thank for you such a great season.  I look forward to a very bright Spring season starting February 28th!

Coach Mack

3rd Grade- February 19-20

First game was against the 4th grade Folsom Force. Physically, the team was outclassed - theyw ere simply BIGGER! Skill wise, the 3rd graders had them beat.  However, this was one game were physicality outmatched skill.  The team played well, and gave it their all - but came up a little short.

Our second game was against a scrappy 2nd grade 916 Select Team. In a game plagued with fouls and jump balls, the  3rd grade Xtreme team prevailed by two points. They missed many shots, but played great defense and held the 916 Select team off until the final horn sounded.

The last game of the tournament was against an inexperienced 2nd grade Predators team. In a lopsided game, the 3rd grade Xtreme team worked on many things. Most notable was their passing. They were looking up court and finding the open man for the easy shot and basket. The lesson learned was that it's easier to make a basket with noone guarding you than five people guarding you. Extra pass.
Overall, the team played three great games! The coaches are proud of the team and are happy to see the improvment from when they first came together as a team. We are excited to see the kids grow and continue to get better.