YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

8th Blue-March 19th-20th

YBA Xtreme Blue vs. All Star Predators Black   
Saturday 3/19/11 5:40 p.m. YBA squared off against the All Star Predators Black winning 43-38. YBA came out with great energy and closed with less than optimal energy. Decision making was not great down the stretch and defensive pressure was lacking allowing the opponent to make this one closer than it should have been.  Keys for improvement from this game: ball security, offensive execution, run the press break offense, make better decisions, put away inferior opponents early. 
  • Defense player of the game:    Garret (on the boards)            
  • Offense player of the game:    Spencer Wirth
  • Best Hustle:   Sean Lallen, Zach Diele, Garett Thomas (on the boards)    
  • Best Attitude:  Team       
 YBA Xtreme Blue vs. Folsom Force Red 7th
Saturday 3/19/11 6:45 p.m. YBA squared off against and lost to Folsom 44-37. YBA didn’t play ball pressure defense, rebound or execute on the offensive end in this one. In the end too many poor decisions and too many turnovers lead to the loss. Keys for improvement from this game: ball security, offensive decision making and execution, clearing the ball quicker on the defensive glass. 
  • Defense player of the game:   Garett Thomas    
  • Offense player of the game: Ryan Rivas,  Ish Oganesyan   
  • Best Hustle:  Spencer Wirth, Garret Thomas, Hunter Konrad (on the boards)    
  • Best Attitude: Whole Team    
A Xtreme Blue vs.  – E-time Hoops Sondhi
Sunday 3/20/11 at 2:25 p.m.YBA squared off against E-time Hoops winning 40 -37.  YBA came out with good energy and stayed focused for 28 minutes. Early on YBA settled for quick poor shots on offense but showed great discipline from the 2 qtr on and made excellent offense decisions for the remainder of the game.  The bench provided solid minutes and overall YBA won this game on the boards and with excellent defensive pressure leading to easy transition baskets. Gut check effort. Keys for improvement from this game: ball security, offensive decision making to start the game, finishing at the basket. 
  • Defense player of the game:  Spencer Wirth (8), Garett Thomas post def (5) (on the boards)   
  • Offense player of the game: Ish Oganesyan (clutch free throws and leader on the floor) Spencer Wirth (offensive interior) – Garret Thomas (offensive post play)  Ryan Rivas (decision making)
  • Best Hustle:   Whole team, Spencer Wirth on the boards down the stretch   
  • Best Attitude: The Bench

8th White-March 19th-20th

YBA Xtreme White vs. Davis Hotshots 
Saturday 3/19/11 at 12:15 p.m.YBA squared off against a completely different Davis team than we beat last week in Rocklin losing 56-51.  This was one of the top 3 teams I have seen at this level they were very big fast and aggressive. We spotted them a large early lead almost 20 points or more and came back to tie the game and contest in a 2-4 point margin to the end.  Aggressive defense and outstanding transition ball movement and transition scoring got us back into this game. Good patience on offense, solid man defense and winning the battle on the boards at both ends of the floor kept us in this one to the end. Outstanding effort by the entire team. Keys for improvement from this game: make free throws, get off to a quicker start on offense, finish off transition baskets, maintain perimeter spacing on offense, look for the screener who is rolling, screener roll, boxing out on defense, and seeing back side cutters and lane cutters on defense.
  • Defense player of the game:  whole team
  • Offense player of the game: whole team
  • Best Hustle: whole team
  • Best Attitude: whole team
YBA Xtreme White vs. E-Time Hoops Sondhi   (X Blue beat them by 3)
Saturday 3/19/11 at 4:35 p.m.YBA squared off against E-Time Hoops and lost 40-43.  This was a formidable opponent a very solid team.  We again got off to a slow start unable to convert early great looks on offense and let them hang around.  Defense and rebounding kept us in this game. We need to pass the ball more effectively in our transition offense too much full court dribbling. Overall our effort was excellent and we had several great looks to win this one in the end so that is all you can ask for against a solid opponent. I was very proud of our heart in this one.  Keys for improvement from this game: make free throws, ball security, offensive execution down the stretch, finish off transition baskets, maintain perimeter spacing on offense, getting back quicker in transition defense, boxing out on defense.

  • Defense player of the game:   whole team for 4th qtr effort
  • Offense player of the game: Stephen Bober, Jesse Savage, (John Voter passing)
  • Best Hustle: whole team
  • Best Attitude: The Bench

YBA Xtreme White vs. All Star Predators Black 7th
Sunday 3/20/11 at 9:00 a.m. YBA squared off against and lost to the All Star Predators Black 7th 47 -35. Hats off to the opponent for playing up to get better.   Games like this happen even to the most accomplished of teams. We shot a low percentage and allowed them hang around and believe they could win.  We got out played on the interior and the boards by a physically inferior team. Our guard play struggled to secure the ball and get offensive penetration. I think we were trying hard most of the game. Overall all we got out hustled and our team decision making on offense was poor compounded by poor ball movement and an overabundance of dribbling leading to turnovers and transition baskets for our opponent.  Twice we did run the press break perfectly for two lay ups and then proceeded to try to break it with 1 on 5 dribbling, never effective. We had two heart breakers on Saturday and Sunday brought a mental let down which can happen in sports.  Keys for improvement: come out with more intensity, improve fist, improve ball security (reduce turnovers better passing decisions), offensive and ob play execution (better decision making), come to passes, finish inside on offense.
  • Defense player of the game: Cody Abendschein,  Josh O’neal     
  • Offense player of the game:  Jesse Savage, Stephen Bober
  • Best Hustle:  John Voter
  • Best Attitude:  The Bench (good support)  

7th Blue-March 19th-20th

This weekend was a big weekend as we captured our first tournament victory for the 7th grade xtreme teams!! We started off well with a very hard fought, back and forth victory against SNBA and never looked back as we controlled the games against Folsom Thunder and Carson Valley. We showed tremendous individual improvement on both ends of the floor as Davion Andrews, TJ Aldrich-Shadle, Brandon Lessard, Jacob DeBartoli, & Matt Stockman all stepped up their games over the last two weeks. The additions of Malacci Wharry and Chris Hurley have really strengthened our team and made us a much faster paced team now. Our Tournament MVP was "The Captain" TJ Aldrich-Shadle. He led us in scoring, hit a huge 3 pointer and lay-up against SNBA, & provided on court guidance and leadership and took 2 charges this weekend!! Excellent Job!
YBA-X BLUE 51        SNBA 47
SUMMARY: A very close, well matched game that went down to the final seconds. We led early but the game was back and forth all game and they led 41-33 going into the 4th, which they didn't know is our quarter. We closed incredibly strong & won the 4th quarter 18-6. Davion Andrews, Brandon Lessard, Malacci Wharry, & especially TJ played outstanding in the 4th. A total team effort and a big improvement in our level of play!
DEFENSIVE MVP: Adam with 10 rebounds, 2 steals & excellent individual defense on their best player.
OFFENSIVE MVP: Malacci with 9 points and 6 assists
MVP: TJ with 15 points, 66% shooting from the field, 3 steals, 4 rebounds, only 1 turnover, & a charge
BIGGEST IMPROVEMENT: Brandon Lessard 8 points on 4-4 shooting also had 8 rebounds and an assist
SUMMARY: A game that we controlled throughout and never had any issues with the other team. We did what we were supposed to do, and that's handle a less competitive team. We played very active & aggressive defense and we came up with 18 steals, 2 blocks and 17 defensive rebounds. We played together and everyone on the team scored at least 3 points and had at least 1 steal and 1 rebound! Very impressive team play. the leading scorers were TJ with 8, Malacci & Davion had 7, and Adam had 6. The leading rebounder was Adam again who had 11 rebounds. TJ had 4 steals, followed by Davion and Matt who had 3 each. A solid effort that showed our growth as a team. 
DEFENSIVE MVPS: TJ for his 4 steal performance and Matt for 3 steals and being a one man fast break stopper

SUMMARY: A good game that we won by working hard & sticking to the gameplan. We wore them out with the press and pulled away in the 4th. Excellent job by the whole team and by Malacci (12 points 6-7 fg, 2 assists 2 steals), Davion (Smothering Defense, 8 points, an assist and a block) and Adam (10 rebounds, 7 points). A nice win to close our first tournament victory!
DEFENSIVE MVP: Davion Andrews for his excellent defensive effort
OFFENSIVE MVP: Malacci "no airballs" Wharry for effective shooting (6-7) and 2 assists
Coaches thoughts
An excellent way to go about winning our first tournament... We have the talent and the chemistry to get much, much better... I saw almost the whole team improve individually in the last tournament from Brandon's offense, TJ's 3 point shooting, Davion's shooting and decisions, Adam's willingness to try as hard offensively as he does on Defense, Jacob's ballhandling and decisions, Matt's passing to our improved team basketball intelligence... We can be successful with the proper amount of effort, teamwork, execution, and desire.. I look forward to seeing the continued improvement in the upcoming weeks...
Coach Adam 
"Never let what you can't do get in the way of what you can do"- John Wooden  

6th Blue-March19th-20th

Saturday-We had a great first game!! The boys came out with intensity, enthusiasm, and full of energy. I haven't seen them like that in about a month in a half. The boys were fast breaking, making layups and playing great defense. This lead us to an awesome win.

Sunday-This was a must tougher game, but the boys came out with the same energy as game one. They played great together and this was a hard fought game.

Game three was tough. Due to the delays of the game and the change of venue this was not one of our best games. The other team had a press we just couldn't break. We did lose this game, but we walked away with the Championship. ( I have the Trophies. I will hand them out at Practice)

Best offensive player goes to Eric Mack
and Austin Rosenburg. Austin displayed exceptional leadership skills this weekend.
Best Hustle goes to Jonathan Amadi

Great Job this weekend boys!!

5th Grade Blue-March 19th-20th

4th Grade-March 19th-20th

Character, that is what we developed this weekend.  In our first game we had a pretty good 916 Select team down 13 in the second half and 8 with only a few minutes to go.  We struggled against the press and were unable to recover eventually succumbing to a scrappy team.  While we did lose our composure for a bit, I want to keep this in prospective.  We had this same problem about 2 months ago and our boys quickly responded to that and have been very composed for 2 months.  We had one bad quarter and will move on and up!

In our second game we had a bit of carryover from the first game.  Unfortunately we could not afford to do that against a very good Predators team.  Again we panicked a bit with their hard press and had the collective energy sucked out of our team.  Down my nearly 30 at the half, our team responded.  With the help of a certain unnamed Dawgs 4th grade player in the stands, our bench started cheering on our team.  With chants of YBA and defense reminiscent of a high school game, our boys woke up.  We flew around the floor with energy and confidence, cutting the lead to 12.  Our boys forced the Predators coach to put his starters back in.  Once the starters were back in, they still had problems with our boys.  Suddenly the shoe was on the other foot.  We had the opposing team on the run.  Alas, we couldn’t maintain that amount of energy and finally lost the game.  In the middle of this frantic 3rd quarter I had a very interesting moment.  With all the noise from the crowd, chanting, clapping, and foot stomping, everything went silent with the exception of my thoughts.  I was focusing on the players on the floor and I noticed some very important things.  I saw smiles ear to ear, fists pumping, high fives, red faces and sweat dripping.  In the fourth quarter I looked to bench and saw 3 players that normally don’t get a lot of playing time.  What I saw was more satisfying than a win.  I saw Joey , Noah and Ben sitting side by side dripping sweat, smiling with pride and cheering their teammates on.  Well done boys!

In our final game we played Carson Valley .  We were able to play our second unit and training player quite a bit.  I want to give a nod to all the boys for running the offense, playing good defense and respecting their opponent in a vey lopsided victory.  Congrats goes out to TJ for scoring his first points with YBA!

Overall we had a very emotional weekend.  I saw anger, disbelief, joy, aggression, sadness and pride within the span of a 24 hour period.  We had a very emotionally draining weekend, but I absolutely love the way our boys finished off the second half of the weekend.  We will be a better team and better people for what we went through this weekend.  I’m proud of all our boys and you should be too.  Please help me by remembering what is important.  Praise your sons for what they accomplished in the development of their character this weekend and fill their emptied emotional tanks.