YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

7th Grade White-January 29-30

Saturday vs Rocktown Ballers & Folsom Thunder- Today's two games were a huge learning experience for us. We didn't do many of the 'little' things which definitely translated both on the court and scoreboard. Despite our losses, however, we managed to keep our heads high and take those lessons with us into Sunday's game vs the Reno Ballers. Even though the scoreboard didn't reflect our outcome, the final score had us down, it was really a huge win for us. We finally implemented the things we've been practicing and it definately showed on the court and in the player's eyes. It was a good feeling for all of us.

This weekends overall effort:
Hustle - Joseph
Attitude - Garret
Offensive - Daniel
Defensive - Joseph L.

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