YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

7th Grade-Week 2

The YBA-XTREME 7th grade teams had a good weekend with much more competitive games and noticeably improvement. I am very pleased with the progress that we have made in only a week. I had fun this weekend as we played a very good last tournament game and then followed that with a very fun, exciting, and entertaining comp scrimmage game on Sunday. I have little doubt that these first two weeks of existence are going to be our toughest as we work too hard, and listen too well, and are learning too fast to improve week in and week out.
We are in a special situation because of the "No contact" rules for AAU basketball during the Middle School Basketball season, which means that you/ your son cannot play if they make their MS team. So it is possible that after this month most of you will not be playing YBA-X. The working solution for this right now is that we plan to have a "How to make your Middle School Team" Camp, and then offer a possible refund or credit for the next session in January. I strongly urge every single player to come back out and play for me again in January! This program and team is exactly what you/ your son needs as a player to grow and become a "next level" basketball player! We will have more info on this in the following week.

Tournament Team

Our Defense was noticeably improved this past weekend as we cut our average points against way down, 55.5-44, against similar competition. This is a sign of rapid improvement based on the intelligence and hard work of the players. As a very Defensive minded and oriented coach this pleases me very much! We played excellent half-court Defense and had several series where we made the opponent play offense for 20 seconds or more, which is very good! Our full court Defense is improving and will improve more as we empathize it more in practice this week.  Defense wins championships, so continue to improve and put in the effort.

Our offense, point differential, forced turn-overs, and scoring efficiency all improved this week from the last. Offense, points scored avg last week was 22, this week it improved to 26. The point differential improved from -33.5 to a much closer -18, cutting almost half of the differential is an amazing improvement for only a week! We averaged 12 turn-overs forced this weekend compared to only 10 last week. We scored more points this weekend on less possessions. Last weekend, 44 points scored on 149 possessions= .30points per possession. This weekend we 52 points on 141 possessions= .37 points/ possession. This is another sign of improvement. So we are heading in the right direction both offensively and Defensively, as long as we continue to put in the effort and mental energy needed to progress we should continue to make progress.

We also continued to show the heart and team spirit needed to be successful. We will have success it's only a matter of time at this point, as we may run out of time this session with the upcoming Middle School Basketball season beginning in only two weeks. However, I expect to see all of you back out after the Middle School season for the January session, as we have a good start and I firmly believe that we can be a successful team and surprise all these teams that are beating us when we are still "learning to walk".

Comp Team

We had a good scrimmage that allowed me to see the improvement that you have made in the past week. I saw quite a bit of individual improvement out there, in addition to improved team concepts and B-ball IQ. At this point in the season the gap between the the Tournament kids and Comp kids is already shrinking quickly and I expect you to make a tournament team in the January session as long as you continue to work and put in the effort needed.

Coaches Final Thoughts...
I want to empathize how impressed I am with our RAPID improvement! It only re affirms what I saw at first, that these boys just haven't had the same amount of high level basketball coaching and experience as the higher level players. We are in a great place to remedy that and get these fine young men to the next level of basketball!! Keep it up my Dawgs, we'll show everyone what you are capable of!!

Coach Adam      

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