YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5th Grade-Week 2

Tournament Team:
This past weekend we had 3 games on Saturday and 1 on Sunday.We came away with a 2-2 record for their first official weekend playing at the AAU level of competition. The boys had their first taste of  aau competition and tempo in their first game against a good Delta Runnin Rebels. Boy, did they run! They were fast,quick and aggressive. Our boys played hard and accepted the challenge but at the end, with only 7 players, we ran out of steam. 
The second game vs. EDH proved to us that we are a new team and we need to keep working hard and focusing. The boys were tired and less focused but kept their heads up and learned what it is going to take to play at this level. The 3rd. game vs. EDH, the boys were showed up ready to play. The team passed the ball well and found their open teammates, they were aggressive on the boards and started to gel offensively.  The team routed their opponent and realized with hard work and teamwork, good things happen!  
The game on Sunday was vs. a good Elk Grove team who were very well coached and aggressive. It was head to head down to the final seconds in the game when Coach Tom drew up an awesome out of bounds play.\ The boys executed the play to perfection and made the winning basket as time ran out! 
This team has great passion for the game and they work hard at getting better.  Can't wait til next weekend to see their progress!     
Comp Team: 
The team played a very good 4th. grade Extreme tournament team this weekend.  The boys came out and scored right away and played well defensively. They stopped the aggressive penetration drives of the 4th. grade guards and rebounded well. The boys listened to Coach Tom and worked hard at executing new plays. With playing a fast uptempo team, our 5th. grade team gave it their all. They slowed the pace down for the first 3 quarters but with only 6 players, they ran out of steam by the 4th. quarter. They never gave up and fought til the end.  Keep working hard and see you at practice on Wed!    

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