YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

5th Grade Tournament-Week 1

YBA 5th comp vs 4th grade

The kids did great in there first official game. For the team not knowing each other and only having one practice with no sets of plays they lost on a buzzer beater to a good dawgs 4th grade team. I think this 5th grade has alot of potential and with great workouts/ practices we will see the improvement fast. 

YBA Xtreme vs 6th grade
The boys played great in the 1st quarter down only by 2 points to the 6th grade xtreme team. I thought just like the comp team the kids played great for only having one practice. I thought the team played great, the one thing I have stressed and will stressed to the team is not one player will win this game for us its a TEAM effort and I thought for playing kids a year older we had alot of possitives from the game that we can build on I saw us go from down 16 in the 4th to bring it to 7 that shows alot of character and desire to not give up. I'm looking forward to working with this group and the practices coming up.

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