YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

8th Grade White-May21-22

Thank you for a great season everyone improved and I hope had fun.
 (Note: Solid weekend- lack of rebounding and failure to convert lay ups and free throws hurt us)

YBA Xtreme White vs. Cal Reign  
Saturday 5/21/11 at 10:05 a.m. YBA lost by double digits.  YBA came out with some energy but players lost their cool and failed to play as a team.  Too many turnovers and a lack of offensive and defensive rebounding and often our fundamentals were lacking at the offensive end with poor shot selection at times and failure to take our shots with square shoulders and proper footwork- two areas that really need to be addressed before high school try outs.  Disappointing effort.  Keys for improvement from this game: move the ball and stop dribbling up the sidelines, maintain perimeter spacing on offense, look for the screener who is rolling, screener roll more aggressively, boxing out on defense, and contesting all shots on defense, free throw %, running the floor.
  • Defense player of the game:  Josh O’neal on boards
  • Offense player of the game:  none
  • Best Hustle: none
  • Best Attitude: Awful

YBA Xtreme White vs. North Bay Basketball
Saturday 5/21/11 at 4:35 p.m. YBA won by 18. Coming off a very poor morning effort both physically and mentally I was honestly not looking forward to this one not not sure how to recollect the team from the morning debacle.  But YBA showed up from the tip to turn in one of it’s best performances of the season. Our YBA press proved very effective ball movement was excellent and every player attacked at the offensive end and converted a very high % of our transition baskets.  Even a volleyball tipped rebound went in for us everything was going our way I wanted to call timeout and run by a lotto ticket while we still had the Mojo.  Our defense and effort won this game and every player really played hard and fundamentally sound for 28 minutes.  Impressive win.  Keys for improvement from this game: stop standing so much on offense and move the ball better, catch the ball on pick and rolls, be expecting passes from the guards, maintain perimeter spacing on offense.

  • Defense player of the game:   Josh O’neal     
  • Offense player of the game: Josh O’neal effort on the boards – whole team       
  • Best Hustle: Whole Team
  • Best Attitude: Whole Team

YBA Xtreme White vs. Sonics
Sunday 5/22/11 at 3:30 p.m. YBA squared off against an old foe now in the Sonics and lost big.  Maybe it was the Round Table pizza or last game jitters but coming off one of our best efforts we reverted back to arguing and simply not giving the effort required to win basketball games on the offensive and defensive ends and looked like we did frankly two seasons ago on day one when we became a team...not good.  We remained passive on defensive and somewhere around the 3rd quarter mid point simply packed it in and quit jacking up careless shots barely drawing iron.  Sad way to end the season really considering how far we came as a team so that leaves a sour taste in my mouth and both Ryan and I got our balls stolen so that was nice.  Hats off to Gavin for hitting some shots and Ryan, Taylor, Josh and Matt woke up but it was too late…One to forget and move on.  Keys for improvement:  stop whining and play, run the floor, flat out effort, defensive aggression, offensive spacing, get lose balls, (reduce turnovers better passing decisions in transition), attack the basket on offense, free throw %, Play hard nose defense on the ball pressure at all times.
  • Defense player of the game:  None
  • Offense player of the game:  None (honorable mention Taylor, Josh, Ryan on glass, Gavin shooting)
  • Best Hustle:  None - simply none
  • Best Attitude:  Not in this one

The End 2011 Spring Season 2
Drive Safe

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