YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

3rd Grade-April 30-May 1

The team faced off against a scrappy 916 Select Team. Having a 9AM game, they came out a little "sleepy". Once they woke up, they play a very hard fought game. Though they ended up losing by three points, the lesson learned was you must come to play EVERY TIME.

The second game placed us against a very tall Sutter 4th grade team. The game plan was this: We had them on a back-to-back game, they were tired from the first game so get the ball and GO! That's just what the Xtreme Team did. They did a great job at securing the rebounds from the taller kids, and passing the ball up court for many easy layups. This enabled them to hold on for a one point victory!

In the third game, the team found themselves faced off against their own club's 4th grade Xtreme Team.  The coaches decided to mix teams and play. It was a fun game to coach, and it was a fun game for the kids! The kids played hard and played very well together!

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