YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Monday, April 25, 2011

8th Grade White-April 16-17

First and Foremost
Congratulations on Second place and second straight tournament barely missing first place

YBA Xtreme White vs. Davis Hotshots  
Saturday 4/16/11 at 10:05 a.m. at Del Oro High YBA squared off against and beat the Davis Hotshots 53-50.  YBA came out with good energy Davis was an aggressive team that kept making runs at us. Our defense was excellent and our ability to pass to the middle of the court in transition and find the open man allowed us to hold off their runs at us. When we move the ball and find the open man and then attack the basket under control we are a very effective team when we dribble 1 on 5 we are not. Solid team effort this was a gutsy win. Keys for improvement from this game: move the ball and stop dribbling up the sidelines, maintain perimeter spacing on offense, look for the screener who is rolling, screener roll more aggressively, boxing out on defense, and contesting all shots on defense.
  • Defense player of the game:  Cody Abendschein, John Voter, Josh O’neal on boards
  • Offense player of the game:  Matt Dzwilewski (clutch free throws), Cody 3 point play
  • Best Hustle: John Voter, Matt Dzwilewski
  • Best Attitude: Team

YBA Xtreme White vs. Chico Tarheels Grey
Saturday 4/16/11 at 4:35 p.m.YBA squared off against and beat Chico 42-26. Frankly this was one of our weaker opponents.  But this was a good opportunity to work on our sets.  We got better as the game went on with our spacing and we still need to improve our execution on Zone offense. We stand too much and seem to refuse to move the ball and insist on dribbling instead of moving the ball side to side this must stop.  We got some transition baskets and some good passes high low but can be much more crisp in our offensive sets against zone understanding our roles and the opportunities we are looking to exploit against our opponents.  The bench did an nice job with their minutes in this one and this will pay off down the road and allow us to go to the bench more over the course of the season I hope.  Nice to have an easy win here and there though.  Keys for improvement from this game: stop standing so much on offense and move the ball better,  offensive execution run our offense,  maintain perimeter spacing on offense, contest all jump shots, boxing out on defense.

  • Defense player of the game:   John Voter, Josh O’neal, Cody Abendschein
  • Offense player of the game: Matt Dzwilewski
  • Best Hustle: team
  • Best Attitude: Bench Players

YBA Xtreme White vs. Cal Reign
Sunday 4/17/11 at 3:30 p.m. YBA squared off against Cal Reign and lost 48-44 in the Championship game.  We came out with good energy and good transition play finding the open man and finishing strongly with good focus and took an early lead. Our defense was excellent to start as well they were a solid team. Then like the wind out of the sails of a sail boat we became very passive on offense, losing our spacing and ball movement that we had early success with.  On defense we began getting out hustled to lose balls. We went back to too much dribbling at the guard position and no ball movement in transition or half court sets, we stopped attacking the basket in the 2, 3 quarter.  Our excellent transition play left us because we were content to dribble 1 on 5 full court allowing their guards to strip us and score in transition. We stopped the earlier give and go passing to the middle we used to quickly advance and score in transition which is also how we defeated Davis.  This was a tough loss because we got out hustled and beat ourselves with too many turnovers and untimely offensive poor decisions.  I think we competed but a couple of lulls allowed our opponent the hope they needed and then they made a few timely 3 pointers when we did not close out to extend and maintain a lead.  Our talent kept it close so ultimately we took 2nd place.  So congratulations on 2nd place. Keys for improvement:  run the offense, offensive spacing, get lose balls, improve ball security (reduce turnovers better passing decisions), attack the basket on offense show more patience and ob play execution (run them as drawn up).
  • Defense player of the game:  Josh O’neal (on the big kid shut him down)
  • Offense player of the game:  Stephen Bober (offensive boards) Jesse Savage finishing strong
  • Best Hustle:  John Voter, Cody Abendschein
  • Best Attitude:  Team - stayed in it to the final horn

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