YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Friday, June 3, 2011

8th Grade Blue-Reno Jam-On-It Memorial Day Tournament 2011

Congratulations on
3rd Place

GAME 1 – Win 43-31 - YBA Xtreme Blue vs. Redding Wolf Pack 
First game on the big stage in Reno and YBA played a solid game.  The first half saw YBA applying good ball pressure on defense and orchestrating well on the offensive end with Ish able to penetrate and lead the offense and the team making good overall decisions and passing the ball effectively.  Redding rallied after a somewhat sluggish start understandably likely nerves and their quickness on defense became at times problematic translating into easy scores for them.  The second half YBA was able to withstand a tough stretch which saw them making poor decisions but they were able to pull out of this lull and attain a 10 point lead.  Seeing the writing on the wall Redding went to a full court press to try to climb back into this one but it proved ineffective and YBA was able to exploit it for easy transition baskets and put this one in the W column, great start to a big event.

GAME 2 – Win 68-38 - YBA Xtreme Blue vs. NBBA
Game 1’s finishing effort proved contagious as YBA took hold of this game early and never let go.  Offensive execution was solid in this one effectively able to exploit the opponent with the pick and roll.  But as all good teams do NBBA made a run and cut a 15 point YBA lead down to 9.  But Ish lead the team back to what got the team the 15 point lead and transition baskets allowed YBA to put this one away for a 2-0 start on the grand stage of Reno.  Lots of smiles and the team seemed to savor this one and rightly so…Excellent team effort and excellent start to the event.    

GAME 3 – Loss 46-24 - YBA Xtreme Blue vs.  – NCYS Cobras
Funny thing with Cobras like everyone they can have a bad day but these Cobras came to fight in this one.  This game pitted YBA against a very athletic and poised team that was able to create a lot of turnovers and convert them into easy transition baskets.  The pace of this game was a little too quick for YBA and they were never quite able to get their bearings and control the tempo and flow of this game which kept YBA on its heals and eventually this caught up and this one slipped away.  Excellent effort and YBA competed until the last whistle and that is all you can ask.  But this is what playing big events is all about matching your skills against excellent competition and given a second match-up with this team YBA gives them a better game and the YBA players got better for having played this team and can take this memory into the summer for their workouts and off season training to get to that next level for freshman try outs next year.

GAME 4 – Win 46 – 43 - YBA Xtreme Blue  vs.  – NBBA
Coming off what of course was a disappointing loss for the players in Game 3 there is a choice a team can make…fold the tent or go out with some class and 3rd place.   This was a hard fought game and went right down to the wire…no one wanted that long trip home with 4th place to stew on.  YBA played as a team and everyone contributed to this win.  In the end, effort and execution proved to be the difference in this one and YBA was able to end the season and the big Reno event on a positive and capture 3rd place under the white hot spotlights of Reno.  An excellent showing and effort in this tournament and 3rd place is something to be proud of as it was hard earned and well deserved.  Winning is nice but it’s the lessons learned in losing that make us all better human beings and better basketball players.  Take this experience with you as you take your young careers into high school next year and as the late great Jimmy Valvano of the N.C. State Wolf Pack used to say, “Never Give Up, Never Ever Give Up.”

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

8th Grade Blue-May 21-22

YBA Xtreme Blue vs. Chico   
Saturday 5/21/11 YBA played Chico and lost 35-32…must be Center High or morning games because YBA teams played 3 morning games in a row (freshman and both Xtreme teams) and not one YBA team won.  YBA came out solid and lead at the half 22-8.  But the second half saw an onslaught of turnovers and momentum shifted to Chico and they were allowed to “believe” a very powerful emotion in athletic competition.  YBA was not able to match Chico’s intensity in the second half and this parlayed into a lack of offensive execution and a lack of rebounding at both ends of the floor. It happens but this one definitely got away.  Keys for improvement from this game: focus and intensity for 28 minutes = 4 quarters, rebounding, offensive execution, help side defense and defensive rotation, aggressively attacking the basket on the offensive end for 4 quarters. 

  • Defense player of the game:    none            
  • Offense player of the game:    none
  • Best Hustle:   none     
  • Best Attitude:  none        

YBA Xtreme Blue vs. Carson Valley
Saturday 5/21/11 YBA won 52-33. Coming off a let down in the morning game YBA came out ready to play from the tip.  Defensive rotation and ball pressure were greatly improved and rebounding was ok but we failed at times to maintain body contact when boxing out and this hurt our rebounding at times.  Offensively we played sound and executed the offensive sets effectively attacking the rim for 28 minutes…the big men were able to finish off interior baskets and this was key to this win.  Ish continued to provide leadership at both ends of the floor and played a solid game at the guard position. Keys for improvement from this game: boxing out and maintaining body contact (ball - you -man principles) until our team secures the rebound, play with this level of intensity every game for 28 minutes win or lose.    
  • Defense player of the game:   Team
  • Offense player of the game: Ish (leading the team)
  • Best Hustle:  Team
  • Best Attitude:  Ish   

YBA Xtreme Blue vs.  – Jackson Allstars
Sunday 5/22/11 YBA won 42-12.  YBA came out with good energy and put this game away in the first few minutes and Jackson was never able to recover and make this a game.  Simply put this performance was 4 quarters of a team working as one cohesive unit and competing, playing hard, rebounding and executing the game plan and the result was a dominating victory. Keys for improvement from this game: stay mentally tough, bring this intensity to Reno, play within yourselves, make good decisions on defense and offense and be aggressive and confident at both the offensive and defensive ends of the court, play like you belong there in Reno. 
  • Defense player of the game:  Team 
  • Offense player of the game: Team 
  • Best Hustle:   Team 
  • Best Attitude: Team 

8th Grade White-May21-22

Thank you for a great season everyone improved and I hope had fun.
 (Note: Solid weekend- lack of rebounding and failure to convert lay ups and free throws hurt us)

YBA Xtreme White vs. Cal Reign  
Saturday 5/21/11 at 10:05 a.m. YBA lost by double digits.  YBA came out with some energy but players lost their cool and failed to play as a team.  Too many turnovers and a lack of offensive and defensive rebounding and often our fundamentals were lacking at the offensive end with poor shot selection at times and failure to take our shots with square shoulders and proper footwork- two areas that really need to be addressed before high school try outs.  Disappointing effort.  Keys for improvement from this game: move the ball and stop dribbling up the sidelines, maintain perimeter spacing on offense, look for the screener who is rolling, screener roll more aggressively, boxing out on defense, and contesting all shots on defense, free throw %, running the floor.
  • Defense player of the game:  Josh O’neal on boards
  • Offense player of the game:  none
  • Best Hustle: none
  • Best Attitude: Awful

YBA Xtreme White vs. North Bay Basketball
Saturday 5/21/11 at 4:35 p.m. YBA won by 18. Coming off a very poor morning effort both physically and mentally I was honestly not looking forward to this one not not sure how to recollect the team from the morning debacle.  But YBA showed up from the tip to turn in one of it’s best performances of the season. Our YBA press proved very effective ball movement was excellent and every player attacked at the offensive end and converted a very high % of our transition baskets.  Even a volleyball tipped rebound went in for us everything was going our way I wanted to call timeout and run by a lotto ticket while we still had the Mojo.  Our defense and effort won this game and every player really played hard and fundamentally sound for 28 minutes.  Impressive win.  Keys for improvement from this game: stop standing so much on offense and move the ball better, catch the ball on pick and rolls, be expecting passes from the guards, maintain perimeter spacing on offense.

  • Defense player of the game:   Josh O’neal     
  • Offense player of the game: Josh O’neal effort on the boards – whole team       
  • Best Hustle: Whole Team
  • Best Attitude: Whole Team

YBA Xtreme White vs. Sonics
Sunday 5/22/11 at 3:30 p.m. YBA squared off against an old foe now in the Sonics and lost big.  Maybe it was the Round Table pizza or last game jitters but coming off one of our best efforts we reverted back to arguing and simply not giving the effort required to win basketball games on the offensive and defensive ends and looked like we did frankly two seasons ago on day one when we became a team...not good.  We remained passive on defensive and somewhere around the 3rd quarter mid point simply packed it in and quit jacking up careless shots barely drawing iron.  Sad way to end the season really considering how far we came as a team so that leaves a sour taste in my mouth and both Ryan and I got our balls stolen so that was nice.  Hats off to Gavin for hitting some shots and Ryan, Taylor, Josh and Matt woke up but it was too late…One to forget and move on.  Keys for improvement:  stop whining and play, run the floor, flat out effort, defensive aggression, offensive spacing, get lose balls, (reduce turnovers better passing decisions in transition), attack the basket on offense, free throw %, Play hard nose defense on the ball pressure at all times.
  • Defense player of the game:  None
  • Offense player of the game:  None (honorable mention Taylor, Josh, Ryan on glass, Gavin shooting)
  • Best Hustle:  None - simply none
  • Best Attitude:  Not in this one

The End 2011 Spring Season 2
Drive Safe

7th Grade Blue-May 21-22

We had a good weekend winning 2 games and losing 1. Our growth and improvement continues as we scored 55, 53, 48 this weekend, while allowing only 17, 23, & 49 points. With a points differential of +67 points that's a dominant performance coming into the championship game. In the Championship game against Davis we played tough, and lost the championship game by only one point! We have never done that well against that team and I know we could've beat them. We had 3 starting players miss time w/ minor injuries throughout the game. Davis is a tough physical team who didn't allow us any freedom in the key, we had to score on fastbreaks throughout, but we never backed down from them and played them as tough as they played us as it went to the final minute before the game was decided.
Offensive MVPs- TJ "Cap" & Matt "Flash"
Defensive MVPs- Davion "3G" & "Big" Tony
Super Subs-Daniel "Danu" and Tyler "Quiet Storm"

3rd Grade-May 21-22

The 3rd grade xtreme team finished out the spring session with a great 2-1 tournament record.

Playing in a 4th grade bracket again, they faced off early in the morning on Saturday against a 916 Select team that was clearly in the wrong bracket. 916 was a good team and had some great players, and the age and skill difference was too much for the Xtreme team. All of the YBA players played hard, and did not quit, and the coaches were very proud of that.

With a loss under thier belt, the YBA Xtreme team was determined to redeem themselves. Playing against an unfamiliar opponent in North Bay Basketball 4th, the team came out hungry with pressure all over the court. Great defense, along with great team offense resulted in a 30-12 win.

Sundays game was against Carson Valley 4th. Having played the team a few times in the past, the team was confident their defense would be the key to a win. Playing on a smaller court (Court 8) and full court pressure gave the Xtreme team the advantage. In the end, the Xtreme team won 45-26.

It has been a great ride watching these kids grow and mature. The coaches are very happy with where the kids are at right now, and look forward to helping them to improve their skills and keep moving forward as players and as people.

They have had to play a majority of 4th grade teams, and they have fared really well. It has helped in their growth as a team and as individuals. While the coaches would have loved to have won a tournament (or two), what we are most proud of is how far the players have all come.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

8th Grade White-May 14-15

4th Place
 (Note: Solid weekend- lack of rebounding and failure to convert lay ups and free throws hurt us)

YBA Xtreme White vs. Davis Hotshots  
Saturday 5/14/11 bright and early at 9:00 a.m. in Lincoln YBA squared off against and beat Davis 45-42.  YBA came out with good energy but failed to maintain a solid lead and did not finish strong.  Too many turnovers at the guard position allowed the opponent to hang around.  A lack of offensive and defensive rebounding also kept this one closer than it should have been and often our fundamentals were lacking at the offensive end with poor shot selection at times and failure to take our shots with square shoulders and proper footwork- two areas that really need to be addressed before high school try outs.  But talent got us by this first game and a win is a win.  Keys for improvement from this game: move the ball and stop dribbling up the sidelines, maintain perimeter spacing on offense, look for the screener who is rolling, screener roll more aggressively, boxing out on defense, and contesting all shots on defense, free throw %.
  • Defense player of the game:  Josh O’neal on boards
  • Offense player of the game:  Ish (running the team)  Matt, Jesse and Stephen
  • Best Hustle: Team
  • Best Attitude: Team

YBA Xtreme White vs. Reno 7th
Saturday 5/14/11 at 12:15 p.m. YBA squared off against and lost to Reno 51-48. This was an odd match up.  1 big man and a lot of smaller match ups. We again started slow failing to convert on the offense end and let them believe they could play with us.  We stayed ahead on talent but effort was lacking at the defensive end and our defensive rebounding was non existent as a team.  We did manage to come back by recognizing inside mismatches on Stephen and Jesse and while we did not finish as many as we should this was promising that we attacked the basket better from the post.  2nd half Stephen shut down 40 who killed us first half and we turned it up on defensive but again too many missed lay ups, passes through our hands, and missed free throws cost this win sad because this is one we should have won.  Keys for improvement from this game: stop standing so much on offense and move the ball better,  offensive execution run our offense and catch the ball on pick and rolls,  be expecting passes from the guards, maintain perimeter spacing on offense, contest all jump shots, boxing out on defense, recognizing miss matches on offense and take your man to the rack.

  • Defense player of the game:   Josh O’neal on #55    
  • Offense player of the game: Ish (court leadership), Stephen and Jesse
  • Best Hustle: Matt, Taylor, Ish
  • Best Attitude: Team

YBA Xtreme White vs. IQ Ballers
Sunday 5/15/11 at 10:05 a.m. YBA squared off against IQ and lost 52-41 giving us 4th place out of 8 teams.  We came out a little flat and so did they chalk it up to a rainy Sunday morning playing for 3rd place perhaps but make no mistake this was a well coached and fundamentally sound team who potentially could have blown us out they won their first game 63 - 28.  So in mind mind this was a win for us to be down 4 with under 2 minutes to play but then they awoke and scored 10 unanswered easy transition baskets on us and based on scouting them Saturday what I expected to see all game.  We through a box and 1 at them but our man proved more effective and our bench did an excellent job and cut into their lead leading a come back for us more so than our starters did.  Jesse turned it on and brought us to within 4.  But in the end a poor shooting percentage and missed free throws hurt us.  Again this was an excellent team we did not see them at their best I did on Saturday.   Keys for improvement:  offensive spacing, get lose balls, (reduce turnovers better passing decisions in transition), attack the basket on offense, free throw %.
  • Defense player of the game:  Taylor, Josh
  • Offense player of the game:  Ish (floor leadership),  Jesse, (Ryan/Gavin off the bench)
  • Best Hustle:  Matt, Ish, Sanam
  • Best Attitude:  Bench – gave some solid minutes

7th Grade Blue-May 14-15

Sorry for the shortage of blogs lately, I apologize, it's been hectic. I will have blogs up for the final 2 weeks to include Reno. Moving on, we played very well this weekend and the scoreboard showed as much with a 2-1 record and a very impressive +33 point total. We had great individual performances as well as almost everyone contributed on a team that suited up 11 players. We also beat two rivals of ours who have been beating us up until this weekend. A really satisfying thing is that when we played teams that were not as good we took care of business and won easily, this is what good teams do they play against themselves and don't play "down" to the level of the competition. That shows that we are learning what good teams do and are trying to become a good team. We executed well and played unselfishly all weekend and even in our defeat we played our game and had our chances to win the game we just couldn't make a basket when we needed them most. We have a great group of young men and I will do my best to maximize their success by properly preparing them in the limited time we have until Reno. We showed great improvement this weekend and that's what is going to happen when we put forth the effort, energy and focus that we have in the last few weeks. I'd like to personally welcome Tyler Jacobs to the team, in YBA he's now to be known as the "quiet storm". Here are some quick recaps and game performance leaders.
Easily our best performance against an EDH team this year. We started well except we couldn't get the ball to actually go in the basket in the first half. However, we gained confidence and became more aggressive as the game wore on. We played outstanding in the second half (once we got to switch from the closed rim) and dominated the game as it was a showcase of what we can be. I was very impressed with our overall team play and was very pleased with how well we passed the ball and how unselfish we were. We continually showed patience and made the extra pass to get the best shot. 
Offensive MVP: The whole team
Defensive MVP: Davion Andrews for his defensive impact
Rocktown 40 YBA-X 55
The first time we've beaten Rocktown with #15 Cody Lane (brother of UCLA scholarship basketball player Brendan). The most impressive thing about this game was the impact that Daniel had on the game. He came in and dominated the game 1st example: he dominated by ABSOLUTELY SHUTTING CODY DOWN. I haven't seen the game film but I don't think Cody scored when Daniel was on him. He frustrated him and completely took him out of the game from both aspects, offense and defense. 2nd example: If he wasn't guarding Cody he (not a doubt in my mind) would've had a triple double w/ scoring, assists, and rebounds. He still had the most assists on the team and he was playing the post position for us! example #3: He made everybody on the team better, case in point, he assisted on at least 3 of Matt's baskets and showed the team the blueprint for how to execute the tempo we want by getting the ball ahead quickly and precisely. His new YBA name is "Danu" because he's Manu Ginobilli's little clone. It wasn't all Danu though, he just set the tone. We played very well in the 2nd half after a close 1st half. We ran them out of the gym and showed that our tempo can be a weapon. Everybody who wanted one got a break away lay-up, especially when we recognized that their press didn't extend past the back court. I know Brandon, Tony, & Matt had at least 2 break away lay-ups, and Matt probably had 5 or 6 at least. We showed great growth in this game from the 1st to 2nd half and that's impressive.
Offensive MVP: Matt Stockman
Defensive MVP: Danu Claydon
Thunder 43 YBA-X 36 
We played well but they were tough inside, and we just couldn't get a basket in the 4th quarter when we needed them most. We absolutely learned some lessons from this loss and I have no doubt that we will take our lessons with our lumps and learn and grow stronger as a team. We played 3 very good quarters against a very well coached and gritty team. They were tough minded as a team and played hard the entire game. We have to learn from them and get gritty and show the consistent effort level that great teams have. Individually, I know that Davion, Adam and Matt all learned and either showed growth in game or will show it moving forward. This was a game that we wanted to win, but it didn't hurt us to lose it either. 
Offensive MVP: TJ "Cap"  Aldrich Shadle for his knifing and one layups.
Defensive MVP: The whole team for shutting down all but one player basically
Coach's Thoughts
I am tremendously proud of us for the growth and heart that we showed this weekend, and although we didn't get a trophy we got something better. Confidence, trust, unity, & the chance to grow from a set back, which is the true measure of success for us. Seven thousand quotes exist about how it's not how many times you fall but how many you give up. There's a reason that there are so many...       

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

8th Grade Blue-May 7

YBA Xtreme Blue vs. Sutter   
Saturday 5/7/11 YBA won.  YBA came out solid and at times played solid fundamental basketball. YBA failed to maintain this intensity and solid play throughout all 4 quarters of the contest.  Defensively we were a little too porous allowing the offensive opponent to beat us with their first step and our teammates neither hedged nor stopped the ball…instead with stagnant feet we would reach from behind with little success resulting in a clear path to the basket for our opponent.  Offensively we became stagnant and passive and did not maintain offensive intensity throughout the game nor did we continue to aggressively attack the basket which is what gave us an early advantage.  This was a win but the margin of victory should have been larger with better execution both offensively and defensively which got us in game 2 and game 3. Keys for improvement from this game: rebounding, offensive execution, help side defense and defensive rotation, aggressively attacking the basket on offense for 4 quarters. 

  • Defense player of the game:    none            
  • Offense player of the game:    Ryan Forrest
  • Best Hustle:   Team    
  • Best Attitude:  Team       
YBA Xtreme Blue vs. Clovis
Saturday 5/7/11 YBA lost 49-37. YBA played well but was unable to come up with an answer for the opponent’s physical style of play.  #23 proved to be the difference.  YBA held the lead at half time but Clovis was the aggressor in the second half attacking the basket on the offensive end.  YBA panicked and began making poor offensive decisions and this along with missing easy shots and taking quick shots allowed for the deficit to grow.  Being out rebounded, trouble negotiating the opponent’s half court trapping and the opponent’s ability to covert at the free throw line allowed the deficit to be maintained in the end but YBA did play until the final whistle.  Keys for improvement from this game: ball security, offensive execution, braking half court pressure, boxing out and rebounding, overall decision making on offense and poise.    
  • Defense player of the game:   None
  • Offense player of the game: Ish (leading the team)
  • Best Hustle:  Jade, John, honorable mention Cody
  • Best Attitude:  Team    

YBA Xtreme Blue vs.  – Cal Reign
Saturday 5/7/11 YBA lost 43-27.  YBA came out with good energy but like game 2 allowed one player on the opposing team to dominate the game… our defensive presence was simply not there.  We lost focus and started missing easy shots and turning the ball over.  Mentally we somewhat imploded leading to a cold 3rd quarter.  Our opponent had great success against us utilizing back screens, spreading the floor and attacking baseline we simply need to become more of a presence defensively and play better help side defense when our teammates are getting beat. Keys for improvement from this game: stay mentally tough, help side defense, call out screens, will a way to score by attacking the basket with guard penetration and getting to the free throw line when things are not going our way turn their aggression into fouls with ball fakes at the basket. 
  • Defense player of the game:  none
  • Offense player of the game: none
  • Best Hustle:   Team 
  • Best Attitude: Team 

3rd Grade-May 7

In the one-day tournament, the team started off by facing the CJBA 3rd grade team. In a previous game, the CJBA team defeated the Xtreme team by a LARGE margin (25+ points). An early game saw the team still sleeping in the first half, but they came alive in the second. They fought their way back to within seven points, but could not get over the hump. In the end, the Xtreme team lost by 11 points - a victory in the coach's eyes, since they had lost by such a large margin before.

A Sutter team that the Xtreme team had beaten a week before by 1 point was back for more. A fourth grade team, the Sutter boys were MUCH BIGGER than the 3rd grade Xtreme team. But, never ones to back down, they used strong defense and sharp shooting to keep the game close through the fourth quarter. In the end, size was too much to overcome, and the Xtreme team was left with no gas in their tank and lost to a good team.

The last game of the day was against the Predators 3rd grade team. A very quick team, the Xtreme team had to be on their toes and ready to run. And they were. Using great defense and a balanced team effort, while being a little short on players (seven), the team beat the Predators to end their day with a nice victory.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

8th Grade White-April 30-May 1

First and Foremost
Congratulations on Second place
Last 4 Tournaments we’ve gone 1st, Tied 1st, 2nd, 2nd (playing up) so ALL should be excited
(Note: 2 seasons ago this team went 1 win - 14 losses
yes that is not a misprint with half our current roster on that team so persistence pays off
It’s not a sprint but a marathon)

YBA Xtreme White vs. Sierra Sonics  
Saturday 4/30/11 at 1:20 p.m. at Del Oro High YBA squared off against and beat the Sierra Sonics 44-41.  YBA came out with good energy and took a large early double digit lead.  Then we became passive on offense and stopped attacking the basket and moving without the ball.  On defense we stopped playing with our feet and reached getting in foul trouble.  Our bench was not able to maintain our lead and momentum shifted to the Sonics.  We finally stepped it up on defense and won the boards. This was closer than it should have been but we stayed mentally tough and some late key free throws from Jesse sealed the win.  Keys for improvement from this game: move the ball and stop dribbling up the sidelines, maintain perimeter spacing on offense, look for the screener who is rolling, screener roll more aggressively, boxing out on defense, and contesting all shots on defense.
  • Defense player of the game:  Ish, Cody Abendschein, John Voter, Josh O’neal on boards
  • Offense player of the game:  Ish (play making, court vision)
  • Best Hustle: John Voter, Matt Dzwilewski
  • Best Attitude: Team

YBA Xtreme White vs. Sutter Dawgs
Saturday 4/30/11 at 3:30 p.m. YBA squared off against and beat Sutter in OT 60-57. This was an odd match up.  1 big man who could go coast to coast and a lot of smaller match ups. We went down 25 – 12 and it was over but we fought back to single digits by half.  We figured it out on defense and stayed aggressive.  Mental discipline won us this game our opponent lost theirs but our defense caused this.  We won this game with pure hustle and effort on defense and the defensive and offensive boards.  Highlights - Josh battling 3 times on def boards and getting the opponent to foul him in frustration, Matt late crazy 3 off glass, John put back to send it to OT with .2 left in regulation, Matt hitting key late free throws.  Keys for improvement from this game: stop standing so much on offense and move the ball better,  offensive execution run our offense,  maintain perimeter spacing on offense, contest all jump shots, boxing out on defense, recognizing miss matches on offense and take your man to the rack.

  • Defense player of the game:   Josh O’neal on #21 – Hon. mention John, Cody   
  • Offense player of the game: Matt Dzwilewski (willing a win), Ish (court leadership)
  • Best Hustle: Ish, John, Joshhonorable mention team
  • Best Attitude: Team – gut check effort

YBA Xtreme White vs. YBA Dawgs Blue
Sunday 5/1/11 at 10:05 a.m. YBA squared off against YBA Dawgs Blue and lost 61-32 - in the Championship game.  We came out a little nervous and settled for a heavy dose of long jumpers not us and hit none leading to easy transition baskets for our opponent and an 11-0 start. Then we got back to our game moving the ball well and attacking the seams and getting to the basket.  We did a nice job on defense and handling their full court pressure I thought and I think we competed.  At the end of the day they were simply the better team today and that’s how sports go at the competitive level.  We can tuck this in our hats as a great learning experience and feel proud we left it all out on the floor and be ready for our next opportunity like this one.  So congratulations on 2nd place. Keys for improvement:  run the offense, offensive spacing, get lose balls, improve ball security (reduce turnovers better passing decisions), attack the basket on offense show more patience and take better shots to start the game.
  • Defense player of the game:  Ish, John, Cody, Josh
  • Offense player of the game:  Ish (floor leadership),  Jesse Savage finishing strong
  • Best Hustle:  Ish (on the floor several times), John Voter, Cody Abendschein, Josh
  • Best Attitude:  Bench – gave some solid minutes

7th Grade Red-April 30-May1

7th Grade White-April 30-May 1