YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization

YBA-Xtreme Basketball Organization
Founded by Director of YBA Dawgs, Ken Gee, Fall 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

7th Grade Team-Week 1

I'd like to start by saying welcome to the YBA -X family, we are happy that you are here! I am very excited by the all the enthusiastic and hard working young men and women that have entered the program. I look forward to spending the next session and beyond with you all. I love the effort, energy, and positive attitudes that I have seen so far.

So as for my 7th grade group, I want to say that I am happy with the progress we've made in the short amount of time we've been together. I was pleased with our effort level & team spirit. We are heading in the right direction, keep your attitudes up and continue to work hard and we will have success. I want you all to keep in mind that team success comes when an individual places the team's goals in front of the individuals goals. We must continue to improve not only athletically, but more importantly your basketball IQ.

"Concentration leads to anticipation,
Anticipation leads to recognition,
Recognition leads to reaction,
Reaction leads to execution. "
...Bob Knight

Coach Adam

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